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Broads On A Budget: Breakfast On A Dime


It's Monday morning.  The kids need to be out the door by eight a.m. and the middle child has just announced - in a voice loud enough to incite panic - 'There is no cereal!'  All heads turn toward Mom...

Even a seasoned Broad shivers at the thought. 

Or maybe it's nothing so dramatic as all that.  Families everywhere are looking to cut expenses.  Broads, we all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Sending the kids off with a healthy meal under their belts is the best start we can give them.  Today, I'm featuring a time-tested and kid-approved favorite.  And you might be surprised to learn that mom (or grandma) didn't only know her way around the kitchen, she knew her way around a budget. 

Forgotten Favorite:  Oatmeal ~ Brown Sugar & Cinnamon

1 Cup water (per serving)
1/2 Cup Quick Cooking Oats (for each serving)
1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
Brown Sugar (to taste - 2-4 teaspoons per serving.  Cost breakdown is based on 4 teaspoons per serving for those who like it sweet!)
Hearty sprinkle of cinnamon added to the pot.
Milk (to desired consistency.  I add approx. 1 - 2 cup for five servings)
Boil water.  Add salt and oats, then stir.  Cook 1 minute.  Add brown sugar, cinnamon, and milk.  Stir, serve, and enjoy.

How does our ten-minute-to-table breakfast add up for the weekly budget?

Quick Oats -   $0.07 per serving
Brown Sugar-   0.04 per 4 teaspoon sized serving
Milk             -    0.05 per serving - @$0.23 per cup
                        $0.16 per serving
                     x        5 servings

Calculating roughly sixteen cents per serving, a family of five can enjoy a nutritious and filling breakfast for about one dollar.  Chop a red-delicious apple and add to the water for an additional $0.53 cents.  Stir in peanut butter for something different, adding $0.15 per 2 Tablespoon serving. 

Adding toast, butter, jelly, and a pot of hot tea, you'll still be able to keep costs below $3.00. 

Have you got a time-tested, kid-approved meal that's easy on the budget?  Share it with us! 



  1. That's so yummy! And oatmeal is good for you. :)

  2. I love oatmeal- with fruit or cinnamon. I especially like it in the winter.

    I also like to make mini quiches (eggbeater, brocolli, and shredded cheese- but any mixture can be used) in cupcake sized portions. After baking for 20 minutes, I can store them in the freezer and just take out 2 for breakfast (thaw the night before). Heat the 2 mini-quiches for 45-50 seconds in the microwave and you have a warm, healthy, fast, and cheap meal. :)



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