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Checking-In And More

ROW80 Check-In Is Here Again!

How did you fare this week on your goals?  We Broads did great!  We've nearly visited enough blogs to meet our combined weekly goal, so it looks as if we'll surpass it.

Here are a list of the blog posts we'd like to feature.  It is a list in progress, keep in mind.  
*Coffee-Talk ~ which will feature author interviews.  We don't want all the same questions that other interviewers ask.  Nope!  We'll be trying to entice those 'authorly' secrets to be spilled as only a coffee klatch can do.
*Brazen Books ~ offering our one of a kind reviews.
*Braised Broads ~ which will feature a food recipe and our thoughts on ease of preparation, taste of dish, cost or availability of ingredients, and cooking times.
*Broads on the Bake ~ which will feature a baking recipe with the same additions as above.
*Dinner and a Movie ~ which will feature a movie review of the Brazen Variety.
*What's A Broad Got To Say ~ open discussion on life!

Below, we've added our first new topic post! 

The Baking Broads!

Confession time.  I'm addicted to cooking ~ and to cooking shows!  As I'm in and out of the living room throughout the day, the Food Network is playing in the background, and I've always got one ear trained to listen for a recipe that whets my appetite. 

Sandra LeeThis week, I caught an episode of Money Saving Meals with Sandra Lee, entitled Tail-Gate Favorites.  In it, Sandra featured New York Cheesecake Cookies.  I adore cheesecake, so I had to try it out. 

This recipe was fairly easy, and doesn't use many ingredients - 10 in all.  They are also things you either have on hand, or can easily pick up at the grocery.  That's always a bonus - because for one thing, I'm operating on a budget.  Secondly, I don't have time to be hunting down rare (which also often means expensive) or hard to find items.

Just a few ingredients in the bowl make up the cookie part
It mixes up quickly, but is a bit dry and crumbly.  I had to shape it with my hands to make the indents for the cheesecake filling. 

The filling was super easy and delish!

Here are the little cheesecakes, ready to bake. 

These cookies came out fantastic!  My family loved them, and I've added this to my favorites.  I modified the recipe by omitting the lemon zest and adding a tablespoon of lemon juice to the filling (I was too lazy to stand there zesting with my little hand held grater)  I also added two minutes to the bake time for my oven. 

Here's how New York Cheesecake Cookies stack up: 


Common ingredients which are easy to find and inexpensive.


Not a cookie you can whip up in a hurry.  Shaping the cookies and filling take a bit of time.  Not difficult, but more involved than dropping a spoonful of dough on a tray and baking.

Do you have a favorite cheesecake recipe?


  1. Recommending other blogs...What a great idea!

    Cheesecake cookies...sounds like another great idea. I just may have to try these. Hm, I wonder if I can add baking to this week's schedule.

    Anyhoo, have a great week.


  2. Love new york cheesecake, have a great week.

  3. Oh! Cheesecake is one of my favorites. A cookie is a much smaller portion than, say....oh, half a cheesecake, right? Maybe two cookies would work better for me...

  4. Oh, I love cheesecake too! I'll have to try these. :)

    I still haven't found the perfect cheesecake recipe, I'm afraid. The cheesecake I'm aiming for is Dana's cheesecake sold at Saturday Market in Eugene Oregon, but I haven't struck gold yet.

    Have a great week!


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