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The Roots of Obama's Rage, Dinesh D'Souza

A Man's Actions Reveal His Ideology......
Dinesh D'Souza, president of King's College in New York City, former White House domestic policy analyst, and research scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, seeks to reveal the motivation behind the man, Barack Obama, President of the United States, in his latest book, The Roots of Obama's Rage. 

In the realm of politics, Obama is hailed as savior, accused of being a socialist, ridiculed as an idiot, and praised as a man of peace.  But who is Barack Obama?  D'Souza argues that none of these labels accurately depict the man behind the presidency.  Tracing Obama's life from early childhood on, D'Souza explores the profound impact the abandonment by his father had on Barack Obama, the journey that led him to Kenya, and the family there that introduced him to the man his father was.  The author then follows other significant relationships that shaped the young Obama along with educational and social influences. 

Using Obama's own words from the books, papers, and speeches he has offered, D'Souza uncovers the anti colonialist ideology which is the true passion of Barack Obama, an ideology adopted from the experiences of his father and revealed through his current actions as President of the United States of America.  D'Souza explains why Obama's policies are designed to weaken America's economy and military might, why a nuclear Iran is not unacceptable to the Obama administration, that our president views America as a rogue nation in need of censuring, and why America's super-power status is abhorrent to our elected leader. 

To fully understand the motives and subsequent implications of Barack Obama's policies, this Broad has compiled a list of books (find it below) taken from the works cited section of the book, which define and expound upon anti colonialism.  While not required to glean insight from D'Souza's book, they will add knowledge of the ideology itself and how and why it developed.  The Roots of Obama's Rage was quite interesting.  It is not a 'conservative bashing' of our president.  Rather, it is a journey into the heart and mind of one of the most powerful men in the world.  Whether one agrees with Barack Obama's plans or policies for our nation or not, we have a responsibility to know and understand them and the global effects they will produce.

Recommended Reading: (Includes books defining the topic and contrasting the ideology)
1)  Neocolonialism:  The Last Stage of Imperialism, Kwame Nkrumah
2)  American Exceptionalism, Seymour Martin Lipset
3)  Culture and Imperialism, Edward Said
4)  Shoal of Time, Gavan Daws
5)  Suffering Without Bitterness, Jomo Kenyatta
6)  Asia and Western Dominance, K.M. Panikar
7)  Writings of Frank Marshall Davis, Tidwell 
8)  The Colonizer and The Colonized, Albert Memmi
9)  Knowledge and Politics, Roberto Mangabeira Unger
10) Black and White, Shiva Naipaul
11) Rules For Radicals, Saul Alinsky
12) The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanton
13) The End of Influence, Stephen Cohen and Bradford Long
14) The Post American World, Fareed Zakarla
15) Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, Lenin
16) Orientalism, Edward Said
17) White Supremacy, George Fredrickson
18) Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flack Catchers, Tom Wolfe
~ This is in no way a complete list, but rather a place to start.  Watch for future reviews on selected titles from the list, as this Broad has decided to tackle a few!~


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