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Thumbing Through Thoreau, Kenny Luck

Author Kenny Luck found the time to catch up with the Broads and discuss his book, Thumbing Through Thoreau, published by Tribute Books.   

Kenny Luck is a longtime resident of Northeastern Pennsylvania.  His book was endorsed by the Thoreau Society, and is a wonderful introduction to Thoreau. 

BB:  What prompted you to begin collecting Thoreau quotes, and how did this project become a book idea?

Kenny Luck:  As an undergrad student in the spring of 2005, I took a nature studies class at Marywood University.  I knew of Thoreau, but it wasn't until 2006, that I took a serious reading, and noticed the connection of nature and independence in his work as I collected quotes.  I contacted the Thoreau Society and asked to look through some journals, and so, my project began growing.  It sat for a few years before the idea of publishing became a serious option that I considered.   

BB:  What is your favorite book by Thoreau?

Kenny Luck:  It would have to be Walden.  I found it witty.  My second favorite is The Maine Woods, which was not published until after the author's death.

BB:  Can you tell us your favorite Thoreau quote, if you have one?

Kenny Luck:  "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential fact of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discovered that I had not lived." ~ Walden, " Where I've Lived"

BB:.  Will you seek to do another compilation, and if so, do you have any ideas on the author?

Kenny Luck:  Possibly, although I cannot say for sure. I think it may be fun to seek out a lesser known author such as Louisa May Alcott.  

BB:  What is next for you in your writing career?

Kenny Luck:  I'm working on a book entitled NEPAtized about the culture of Northeastern Pennsylvania and writing for a local newspaper.  In addition, I'm involved with other people's writing as an adjunct writing instructor. 

BB:  We Broads want to thank Kenny for taking the time to visit us here at Brazen Broads Book Bash and want to congratulate him on winning Best Writer in NEPA through the Electric City magazine.  You can find Kenny's book Thumbing Through Thoreau at Tribute Books and Amazon. We wish Kenny luck with his writing and look forward to reading his work.


  1. Great interview, Kenny! I'd love to see you do a book of Louisa May Alcott's quotes - what a great companion piece.

    Thanks Brazen Broads Book Bash for hosting Kenny and for helping us get the word out about "Thumbing Through Thoreau."

    Best wishes,
    Tribute Books


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