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Secrets of Harmony Grove, by Mindy Starns Clark

Harmony Grove, a quiet community nestled in Amish country, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, becomes the center of an intense investigation after a murder takes place at Sienna Collins' quaint bed & breakfast.  The victim is Sienna's former boyfriend, Troy, and as the investigation progresses, Sienna learns that Harmony Grove has a history and secrets of its own.  These secrets have Sienna under investigation by the federal government.  Facing the possibility of losing her career, home, and prosperous lifestyle, Sienna turns to her family and her faith to find peace, hope, and forgiveness in her heart, while using her intellect to solve a mystery in order to clear her name.  When an intriguing and gorgeous detective working the case takes an interest in her, Sienna must decide what she truly wants out of life & love.

Mindy Starns Clark serves up a terrific mystery in Secrets of Harmony Grove.  She created interesting characters within and without the Amish community.  Sienna Collins grapples with the age old issue of finding balance in life, and Clarks's addition of Christian faith into Sienna's character grounded her nicely.  Clark also kept interest high throughout the story by introducing a mystery within Sienna's family.  Sienna discovers that her grandfather had married a Jewish woman he had nursed to health after being with the allied forces that liberated one of the German death camps during his WWII service.  Sadly, his bride died within a year, leaving behind a cache of diamonds that clues claim are hidden on Harmony Grove Bed & Breakfast property.  Rumors about the hidden jewels have swirled around the quiet community for many years.  Now Sienna must uncover whether Troy's murder, her investigation, or both are connected to the Collins' family jewel mystery, organized crime, or all of the above.

The Secrets of Harmony Grove is an enjoyable read. 


  1. Sounds very interesting. I've always enjoyed reading about the Amish. Add in a little mystery and it sounds even better!
    BTW, new follower from the hop.


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